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Este aceite puede ayudar a eliminar o controlar el eczema, resequedad, alergias, manchas, comezón, estrías, manchas negras, Vitiligo, quemaduras y más.


Como Aplicar: aplique en la parte afectada dando masaje y deje todo el dia o noche. No afecta si sale al sol. 100% natural.


This oil may help with eczema, skin dryness, alergies, black dots, itchness, burns, strech marks, vitiligo, and more skin issues.


How to apply;  you can apply on the affected area and leave on all day or night. Does not affect the skin if you come out to the sun. 100% natural. 


Ingredients: Milk Thistle, Marigold, Anis Star, Sarzaparrilla, Brazilwood, Olive oil.

Adios Manchas

SKU: 20
$15.00 Regular Price
$9.99Sale Price
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